Verita Life Mexico

German Protocols, Immunotherapy and World Class Treatments

Verita Life Clinic -Tijuana, Mexico

Dr. Adrian Robinson

Head Doctor Verita Life Mexico

Dr. Adrian Robinson -Head Doctor Verita Life Mexico

Dr. Adrian Robinson
Head Doctor Verita Life Mexico

With over a decade’s worth of experience working with oncology patients, Dr Adrián Robinson, MD is head doctor at Verita Life Mexico.

He graduated 25 years ago from Universidad Autonoma de Baja California School of Medicine, and holds a bachelor of Health Science from California College. Dr Robinson seeks to provide a better quality of life to every patient he treats, and is known for his compassion and care.

With a holistic patient treatment approach, Dr Robinson carefully evaluates cancer treatment and therapy care options, and focuses on tailoring them to treat his patient’s individual cancer needs. He is also a specialist in pain management and immunology vaccines, treating autoimmune conditions such as Lyme for over a decade. Dr Robinson is also an internationally certified acupotomist from The World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS).

Possibilities beyond the default oncology treatments of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

Verita Life Mexico
Verita Life Baja, Mexico

Verita Life Clinic – Mexico

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Mexico Advisory Notice

The USA and Mexico border has jointly been declared open both ways for workers and medical treatment. No quarantines are required.